Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Peak!

    • Welcome to the Foresight Community!

    • Textbook

    • Meet Liam Mucklow

    • Level 1 Objectives

    • Foresight Sports Technology

    • Technology Principles

  • 2

    Club Head Data

    • Applying Fiducials

    • Introduction to Club Head Speed

    • Club Head Speed Animation

    • Using Club Head Speed

    • Club Head Speed Summary

    • Impact Point Animation

    • Impact Point Summary

    • Center of Geometry and Center of Gravity

    • Center of Gravity and Center of Geometry Continued

    • Introduction to Club Path

    • Club Path Animation

    • Using Club Path

    • Introduction to Angle of Attack

    • Angle of Attack Animation

    • Using Angle of Attack

    • Introduction to Impact Loft

    • Impact Loft Animation

    • Using Impact Loft

    • Introduction to Delivered Lie Angle

    • Delivered Lie Angle Animation

    • Using Delivered Lie Angle

    • Delivered Face Angle Animation

    • Using Delivered Face Angle

    • Introduction to Closure Rate

    • More on Closure Rate

    • Closure Rate Animation

    • Club Head Quiz

  • 3

    Ball Launch Data

    • Introduction to Ball Velocity

    • Ball Velocity Animation

    • Understanding Ball Velocity

    • Introduction to Vertical Launch

    • Vertical Launch Angle Animation

    • Using Vertical Launch Angle

    • Introduction to Horizontal Launch

    • Horizontal Launch Angle Animation

    • Using Horizontal Launch Angle

    • Introduction to Total Spin

    • Total Spin Animation

    • Creating Spin Rate

    • Introduction to Spin Axis Tilt

    • Spin Tilt Axis Animation

    • Understanding Spin Tilt Axis

    • Back & Side Spin Animation

    • Ball Launch Data

  • 4

    Ball Flight Data

    • Introduction to Carry Distance

    • Carry Distance Animation

    • Introduction to Landing Angle

    • Landing Angle Animation

    • Using Landing Angle for Distance

    • Introduction to Apex Height

    • Apex Height Animation

    • Using Apex Height

    • Introduction to Lateral Dispersion

    • Lateral Dispersion Animation

    • Using Lateral Dispersion

    • Ball Flight Quiz

  • 5

    Putting Information

    • Putting Setup

    • Putting Setup with FSX 2020

    • Distance Control

    • Importance of Lie Angle

    • Closure Rate and Face Angle in Putting

    • Testing Putter Face Materials

    • Launch Spin

    • Breaking Putts with Quad

    • Using Quad to Quantify Aim

  • 6

    Practical Software Application

    • Navigating the Onboard Display

    • Hitting a Shot (FSX)

    • Playing a Round in FSX

    • Improve (FSX)

    • Compete (FSX)

    • Comparing Club Data in FSX

    • Selecting a Club in FSX

    • Key Controls (FSX)

    • Setting Weather and Course Conditions (FSX)

    • On Course Training

    • Skills Challenges

    • Gapping Session

    • Utilizing the Display's

    • Wedge Gapping

    • Lie Angle Vs. Contact Point

    • Ranges of an Acceptable Club Path

    • Closure Rate and Grip Selection

    • Gear Effect and Role of Impact Location

    • Dynamic Loft based on Club Head Speed

    • Impact Location and Spin with Wedges

    • Importance of Efficiency

    • Effects of Launch Angle with Wedges

  • 7

    FSX Pro Software Tutorial

    • FSX Product Tour

    • Player Registration

    • Driving Range View

    • Flight View

    • Table View

    • Dispersion Feature on FSX Pro

    • Accuracy Feature on FSX Pro

    • Club View

    • Shot Panel

    • Target Mode

    • Tags

    • Settings

    • Reports

    • Crash Recovery and Session Loading

    • Room Configuration and Target Line

    • Multi Monitor Display

    • Loading and Unloading Sessions

    • Updated Report Features

    • Left Hand Feature

    • Tiles

    • Creating FSX Live Account

    • Connecting to Quad

    • Downloading FSX Pro

    • Troubleshooting Connection Issues

    • Updating Firmware

    • Updating the App

  • 8

    FSX Play Tutorial

    • Courses Tutorial

    • Practice Tutorial

  • 9

    Troubleshooting Information

    • How to Activate and Connect the GCQuad

    • Connecting Your GCQuad to a Mobile Device

    • Using the Performance Fitting App

    • How the GCQuad Collects Data

    • How the GCQuad Measures Club Face

    • Getting Started with the Performance Fitting App

    • How to Find the Hitting Zone

    • Recommended Computer Specs

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    Ball Flight Laws

    • Introduction to Ball Flight Laws

    • Club Path

    • Lie Angle

    • Dynamic Loft